Happy and proud to be featured in Docu Magazine with my Street / Urban & Travel series ‘Surrealistic City & Landscape’.

Docu Magazine aims to keep the format of printed photo books alive. If you want to support me and Docu Magazine, please consider ordering Special Edition: Vol 1 Issue 733 featuring my photo series (20 photos).

Book price: € 15.68 plus shipping
Order page: www.blurb.com/b/12088736-fred-baggen

Previews are available on the order page.

SIGNED COPIES available in my webshop

Selling 20 or more copies of this Docu Magazine Special Edition increases my chances of having my work displayed at a photo exhibition in Japan, in 2025.
Thanks in advance for your support!

‘Surrealistic City & Landscape’, Docu Magazine Special Edition: Vol 1 Issue 733,  August 2024

‘Surrealistic City’, INFRAME Magazine Architecture, Street and City Edition 142,  August 2024

Docu Magazine, Vol. 4, Issue 10, November 2023